Guidelines for submitted articles

The journal "Education and Science" does not accept already published articles or articles that are to be published in other printed or electronic publication.

Articles under publication should be dispatched in two copies. One copy should include identification elements of the author following the title (full name, profession, address, telephone, e mail). However, identification elements should be omitted in the other copy, as it is going to be dispatched to anonymous referees in order to be accepted for publication.

The copies to publication should be submitted accompanied with their electronic form (floppy or cd-rom) and should be sent by post to the following address:  

University of Athens
Faculty of Primary Education
Online journal "Education and Science"
Postgraduate Students Association "Alexandros Delmouzos"
Ippokratous 33, entresol, zip code 10680,
Athens, Greece

and by e-mail:

The full text should be written in the Greek or English language in Word for Windows (Word 97 up to current editions) accompanied by two abstracts (both in the Greek and in the English or the French or the German language). Each abstract should not exceed 100 words. In addition, at the end of the abstracts the author should define 5 specific key-words included in his article.

The extent of the full text in no circumstances should exceed a paper of 24 typed pages for a research study, or 15 pages for a theoretical study (A4 with top- bottom margins 2cm, right - left 2,4 cm. and written in Times New Roman font / size 12, with line spacing 1,5 lines) including tables, pictures, diagrams and related bibliography. The text should be justified in formatting except from the title and the identification elements of the author, which should be centered in formatting, and written in Times New Roman Font / size 14. Figures or tables used by the author ought to be indicated with their precise place within the text. Any references or notes should be included as footnotes at the bottom of the page.

Simple reference should be placed within the text (e.g. Carell, 1988; Meyer, 1975; Meyer, Brandt and Bluth, 1980).

Bibliography references should be indicated as follows: 

·  Journal Article: Dixon-krauss, L.A. (1992). Whole language: Bridging the gap from spontaneous to scientific concepts. Journal of Reading Education, 18, p. 13-17. (As Francis) 

·  Article or Chapter in an Edited Book: Shea, J. D. (1992). Religion and sexual adjustment. In J. F. Schumaker (Ed.), Religion and mental health (pp. 70-84). New York: Oxford University Press.

·  Book: Taft, M. (1991). Reading and the mental lexicon. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

· Doctoral Thesis: Richardson, U. (1998). Familial Dyslexia and Sound Duration in the Quantity Distinctions of Finnish Infants and Adults. Doctoral Thesis. Jyvaskyla: Jyvaskyla University Printing House.

· Conference Paper: Buchanan, L., Westbury, C. (2000). Evaluating the continuum of phonological dyslexia. CNS Meeting 2000, San Francisco, CA (USA), 8-11 Apr, p.p. 89-93.

· Stand-alone Web Document (no date): Nielsen, M.E. (n.d.). Notable people in psychology of religion.



© 2005 National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Faculty of Primary Education
"Alexandros Delmouzos" Post Graduate Students Association