Education & Science

  VOLUME I, Issue 1
    April 2004

I - II
  Theodoros G. Exarhakos  
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Students' thoughts, behaviour and achievement during the related use of reciprocal
and inclusion teaching strategies
pp. 1 - 22
  Ioannis Salvaras  


This study was conducted to describe the effect of combined employment of reciprocal and induction teaching strategies on learners' decision-making processes. The questions dealt within the present study were four-fold: (i) Will the combined employment of reciprocal and induction teaching strategies present high quality of instructional structure and function? (ii) How do the learners' perceive the reciprocal feedback processes? (iii) Will the learners' select among different task difficulty levels? On the basis of which grounds do they compile selections?, and (iv) Which are the effects on learning abstraction with cognitive and algorithmic methods?. Thirty-eight pupils consented to participate. Pupils were taught with the assimilation and the combined application of reciprocal and induction teaching strategies. Data collection was manifested with systematic observation instruments for the functional control of the combined employment of reciprocal and induction instruction. Additionally, survey type questionnaires research was conducted for the identification of the learners' perceptions on feedback. The criteria task cards of three pupils and the interviews taken added additional insight into the findings. The results confirmed the high quality function and structure of combined instruction. Through the learners' responses one can conclude that (i) learners can and do comprehend the value of giving and receiving feedback, and finally (ii) learners can select among different task levels, developing their initial goals on tasks.
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Modern aspects in research of Science Didactics
pp.  23 - 34
  Panagiotis Kokkotas  


The shaping of modern didactic approaches and also and the appearance of new elements such as new technology, have created new conditions in research of Science Didactics. In this context modern perspectives that guide research of Science Didactics in an different in relation to research tradition direction are presented and also the acknowledgements that are adopted.
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Collaboration between school and parents having children with visual handicaps:
problems and suggestive solutions
pp.  35 - 49
  Stavroula Polychronopoulos  


The present study supports the need for the development of a creative collaboration between schools and families having children with visual problems. The barriers inhibiting the effective partnership are identified by interviewing fourty parents whose children attended general secondary schools in Greece within the last six years. Based on the results of the study, the researcher suggests effective procedures for improving communication and collaboration between mainstream schools and families, and stresses the need for in-service teacher training in special education issues related to visual problems, as well as to the particular needs and psychology of parents.
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Issues of Educational Policy and History Didactics regarding the Greek Diaspora
pp.  50 - 68
  Antonios  Hourdakis, Nikos Papadakis  


One of the focal points, within the context of the implementation process of the new educational policy for the Greek Diaspora, is the project named "Diaspora's Paedia". This project is constituted by several interrelated activities concerning mainly the teaching of Language and the teaching of History & Culture. The present study deals with issues of implementation of the central policy within the context of teaching History and Culture in the Greek Diaspora. It analyses the epistemological and methodological dimensions of the - already produced - pedagogical material and explores the modes and the methods that could contribute to the functional co-existence of this material with the (under "construction") specific Histories of the Greek Communities abroad. The focus is on the new methods of History didactics (interdisciplinary approach, multicultural dimension, bottom-up approach, the role of local history) and the new thematic domains (social and cultural history, history of labor and ideas, ordinary peoples' history and daily life in different historical contexts etc).
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"Equal School for Unequal children"
pp.  69 - 73
  Athanasios Papas  


This article is about students with unequal school achievement who have to learn under the same conditions with the other students. The unequal start in "equal for all" schools constitutes an unequal public education offered. As a result many classes in Greek primary education end up working in three speeds with "excellent", "good" and "bad" students separate working. The writer of the article supports and proposes the role of the teacher as "facilitator" in learning as a solution to this problem.
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Gewalt, Aggression und Wirkungen des Fernsehkonsums
pp. 74 - 87
Sousanna Nikolaou


Gewalt wird in jedem Raum der Gesellschaft ausgeubt. Das aggressive Verhalten wird von der Familie oder von verschiedenen Umstanden erlernt. Gewalt in der Schule umfasst das gesamte Spektrum von Tatigkeiten und Handlungen, die physische oder psychische Schmerzen oder Verletzungen bei dem im Bereich der Schule handelnden Personen zur Folge haben oder die auf die Beschadigung von Gegenstanden im schulischen Raum gerichtet sind. Ob die Gewalt und die Aggression, welche die Filme des Fernsehens taglich vorfuhren, die Menschen beeinflussen konnen, ist heute zwischen den Forschern umstritten.
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The poetics of love and mythological special effects in "Erotica" of Giannis Ritsos
pp. 88 - 97
  Jina Kalogirou  


It is a well known fact that in many of his mature poems, Yannis Ritsos always returns to the archetypal roots of the ancient myth and draws from classic texts of the ancient Greek Letters. In this paper we will refer specifically to the poems of the Ερωτικά collection (1980 - 81), in which, in a direct or indirect manner, well known mythical characters or motifs go through semantic transformations (e.g.Ulysses / Penelope). We will purposefully draw connections with the poem "The despair of Penelope" (1968). We shall also refer to the poet's views on Love - Love as a connecting and reconcilliatory force, Love as a realisation of mortality, etc.- and their literary reformulation. Describing the female body, Ritsos abolishes categories, he tends to conceive of the universe in contrasting terms, and this multiplies paradoxes. The female Body is an indescribable, unrepresentable "landscape" which although impossible, nevertheless exists.
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Book Review
Theodoros G. Exarhakos: History of Mathematics / Mathematics of the ancient Eastern people

pp. 98 - 108
  Georgios I. Baralis  
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© 2004 National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Faculty of Primary Education
"Alexandros Delmouzos" Post Graduate Students Association